Wednesday, July 28, 2010

February 8, 2010

It's hard to believe it's February already! Things are moving right along here at Vaughan. We all enjoyed our break from school work in the winter wonderland, but are back to work aiming towards our goals Valuing and Empowering Students with the skills to succeed in the 21st century. Even though the weather was not what we had hoped for, we still held our Career Day on Friday, February 5 from 9-11:30 am. We had 19 fields represented by 21 speakers. Miss Comer, our Guidance Counselor did a fabulous job of organizing the event. She wishes to extend a very special thanks to all of those in the community who came out to present, or sent someone to represent their agency. It is because of all of the help we receive from our parents and community memebers that we are able to be so successful at what we do here. Thanks for all you do and all your help!

Our monthly Positive Behaviour Support winners were chosen on Monday, February 8. Students were chosen from a ticket drawing of all students receiving tickets for their positive behavior for the month of January. Winners of $5 cash were : K- Taj Gupton, 1st Grade – Jirera Richardson, 2nd Grade – William Harvey, 3rd Grade – Zianne Richardson, 4th Grade – Montana Reyes. The 5th Grade prize has not been claimed yet. Students keep working on your behavior and you will get more chances to win the cash prize for the next month.

The Light of Character representative for Vaughan for the month of January was Jacy Mills. Jacy was nominated by his classroom teacher, Mrs. Ross for honesty. Jacy can be counted on tell the truth in any situation. Way to go, Jacy!

Tutorials will be starting this week and continue until we begin End-of-Grade tests. Students in need of tutoring will meet with tutors on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2-2:45 pm. It is especially important to try to plan doctor's appointments and commitments for other times if possible. Parents, thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Our grade level Spelling Bees were held on Tuesday, February 9. Winners will be announced next week. Finalists will compete in our School-Wide Spelling Bee to be held after our Black History Month Program and PTA Meeting on February 23. We look forward to seeing you there. Also, our Science Fair will be held next week. Parents, please make sure your child is submitting a project if required to do so by their teachers. This can count a substantial degree to report card grades. Lastly, our Pre-K students have a field trip to the Circus planned for the 25th. We know they will have a grand time taking in all the sites on that day. We know it will be a busy month and are looking forward to all that it will bring!

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